Thats me in my old 1988 shack
Shack in 1995-…

In front of the blue Bavarian sky you can see quite a bit of aluminium arranged in a manner to cover 10-40 m. The tower itself is shuntfed for 80 and 160 m operation making it a very economic “all band” solution.
Another look at the antennas at dawn. Direction of the view is towards Japan and PACIFIC.

Sure its romantic – BUT Bavaria in the wintertime gives a good impression of how iceloading affects antennas, towers and guywires.
This shot gives you an idea how high 36 m (120 ft) really “are”. DF9RD, Sigi doing final works almost on top of the tower.

…while DL5RBK, Chris seems to enjoy the view over the hills at the 27 m (90 ft) level. The antenna right in front of his nose is the A3WS for 12, 17 and 30 m.
My brother Roland really having fun completely OFF the tower. He even had the nerves to take this picture by himself.

Now it becomes obvious WHY 6 m is called the MAGIC BAND! The 6M5 by M2 (thanks DK5MV) sits on the lately erected 24 m (80 ft) crankup-tiltover tower.
Guess which elements belong to which band/antenna and win a free QSO with DL5RBW